Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Jonathan.R 8 2016

Yesterday in Tech class we had watched a video on Coral Reef, on the video it talked about how the Coral Reefs are dying. Also on the video scientist were studying on the the Coral Reef to find out what was making them getting instinct. Scientist thought a lot about Coral Reef at first scientist had a lot of ideas on there mind that they thought Coral Reef might be coming instinct. Some ideas that they thought about Coral Reef were they thought that Coral Reef were being eatin by humans and fish but they weren't.
Coral Reefs can be found anywhere in the sea you just have to look for them. Coral Reefs have been on earth for about 60 million years and now are dying. A Coral Reef is kind of like a salt water animal that is big and helps the small fish for protection. It also helps big fish like sharks get food, because mostly fish live around there. Coral Reefs are starting to die because they are not getting as much food then they were back then. They are also dying because of the water. The salt water (Ocean) is starting to get more hot, the ocean has already went up 2 degrees up and is being to hot for the fish. Another thing is Coral Reef might be dying because the ocean is killing them by saltation. When the Coral Reefs die they start turning white like crystals and stay like that until the get rotten.
Coral Reefs are very important to this world because they help fish with homes to live in. Also the Coral Reefs make the ocean look better with all the types of color that they have.
- 60 million years
-Protect all coast
-Ocean getting warm
-No fish/ No Coral Reef
We can try to make more fish live in the Coral Reef, because without the fish then the Coral Reef wont be good. Or we can do a lot of other things, but its just people who don't care about the world. Another idea that I have is to make everyone try hard and each take care a Coral Reef to save them.

1 comment:

  1. I like how you gave a lot of information about the movie and about coral reefs. I agree with you thay are important and I like your concern for them.
