Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Jonathan R 6 2010 FINAL TWO

The final two choices that I had picked and that I had liked the most were the OIL SPILL and the the Drug Abuse

I really decided to pick the Oil Spill because I think the Oil Spill has a lot to do with the environment. We really need the environment for the future. I had thought that when it happened it wasn't going to sto
p. This Oil Spill went on forever almost 4 months straight. I had felt sad when I had heard this because it made me think of the animals that were being polluted and dieing in the water. Some of the animals had died because what had happened with the oil every where. Some of the animals were fish, shrimps, sea turtles, crabs, and also birds like pelicans. Another thing that made me sad were that the Fishing people couldn't go fishing in the sea anymore because the accident. All the fisher mans lost a lot of money from the fish that they were loosing, and also from the shrimps. When the oil was going some of the oil was reaching the land on the Gulf Of Mexico, some of the people were scared on what happened.This Oil Spill has stopped but there is some out there and now people are helping to clean it up.CLICK ON HYPERLINKS FOR MORE INFO
http://www.huffingtonpost.com/news/bp-oil-spill http://www.nydailynews.com/topics/Gulf+Coast+Oil+Spill
I had decided to do the Drug Abuse because a lot of people, students do drugs. People like to do these drugs so they can think they are cool but really its not it is making them look more crazy. I want to really stop people from doing drugs because when they do drugs it makes them drop out of school, or it would make them to do a lot of crazy stuff. Once when a students starts doing drugs they keep doing it and start doing more. Also when you smoke it will ruin your life, like not do nothing or even loose their job. People who smoke make little kids wanna smoke like they can pass it down and the kids see their parents, friends do it so it makes them want to do it. There are different kinds of drugs like Marijuana, Prescription Pills, Steroids, Ecstasy/MDMA, Stimulants, others. I really hope in the future people wont be doing drugs anymore, I wish they can have a good life and not do bad things.CLICK ON HYPERLINKS FOR MORE INFO

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