Tuesday, March 22, 2011

JonathanR 9, 2011

There was a huge tsunami in Japan that had happened and a lot of people died and got injured. There were explosions from the Power Plant that were placed there in Japan and started to blow up from the earthquake and also from the water from the tsunami that flooded Japan. When the earthquake happened it caused damage, but until the tsunami started after the afterquake had caused most of the damage and deaths.

To help Japan I wouldnt really want to send money because its still flooded and the people cant really go anywhere but the people do need it to clean everything up. But I want to send materials like clothes, food, and other things that the people who sufferd the earthquake and the tsunami will need.

To help the other kids who are raising stuff for Japan, I would help them raise money since thats what the goal is for them to make more money and send it to the people in Japan who really need it. These kids who are helping had raised a lot of money already and are going to get more to help Japan.

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