Wednesday, February 3, 2010

"Why I like Globaloria"

In globaloria in the year that we have been in this class there are a lot of things what I like and what I don't like.First I am gonna tell you about my thoughts about globaloria.Like globaloria is fun and exciting to enjoy but the things that I don't like is when we have to blog a full page mostly about what we did in the weekend or about globaloria.Sometimes the really cool and very exciting thing is when we get to play games only if we are caught up with every thing and are ahead of the other classes.But just to say is globaloria is the best class because now we are starting on our game and getting into groups to make a game.

In globaloria I have learned allot of stuff like let me give you examples how to work in flash with our game,and how to draw paper prototyping there are allot of other things that that we did I just cant say them.Another top thing that I learned is to make my carrot move on our flash it was confusing like allot of copy and paste.

In globaloria we have to blog allot and type allot like about an page or maybe even two pages.I always finish them because I already know what to do and what to type about.But about the blogs I don't like to type because sometimes we have to type in E.L.A a page then go to globaloria and type for about an hour straight and my hands will be hurting allot.

In globaloria I am working on making our game together and I am planning to make it the best game.Our game is about recycling and why to recycle.In our game the game is called "Recycle man"Our group are Laura,Rogelio,Juan,and Irie we are going to make our game an adventure game where you can go anywhere.We already have the prototyping we just need to add more math in our game so it can be challenging.

In globaloria I am planning to learn about how to work more on flash like how to put more stuff on the flash more stuff then a carrot and a bunny.Mostly I want to learn about the flash because it was the hardest to do it is challenging to me so I want to learn more on it.
In globaloria we are doing a game in and I am in objective 3 which is geometry and spatial reasoning.We are gonna do a recycle game in a group and they say who ever will win we will go to Washington.

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