-People starting to find species where they are not supposed to be.
-Species spreading disease every where
-Species are always doing everything
-Species move South and ruin everything that is in there way.
-With more species then the more damage they will do.
-More people are starting to get mad because of the termites.
-Termites like to be around wood and underground so they wont be botherd.
-Most homes are invested by termites.
-People are starting to spend a lot of money on new houses when they are being damage by termites
-Species are coming from unknown places
-Species are intsiction of habitat destruption
-How species can attract to anything they like
Part 2
-weather increased 11 farenhite
-How people were sayin it was different back then because there was more animals to eat but now theres not that much where they live.
-Animals are dying in Alaska because of the mesquitos so they go on top of mountains so the hard wind can blow them off from them.